Saturday, 18 October 2008

Cheap Or Free Advertising For Your New Business

I found this Information To Be Very Useful!
Apart from the value of your merchandise, advertising can make or break your budding business. Even if you sell the most amazing product or offers the most trusted service if you do not advertise your offerings then more likely your business will fail. In most cases, new entrepreneurs do not have the budget to advertise their product. If ever they do have one, the budget is likely so small that it can't be spent on expansive advertising in newspapers and periodicals.
But not to worry, there are other forms of advertising that you can use to promote your product. You can check in the office of your local broadsheet if they have a promotion running. You can tell your friend and relatives about your product and asked them to spread the word. You can design flyers on your computer using eye-catching colored papers and either pass them out at groceries stores and supermarkets or post them at your local bulletin boards.

In recent times, another method of advertising became the more popular and arguably the most cost-effective promotion in the world of marketing. This is advertising through free classified ads. There are many websites that caters to the need of both buyers and sellers. They help sellers post their product or service and buyers find what they're looking for. Perhaps the greatest advantage of classifieds website is the fact that many are free of charge. They might offer premium service options, but you can always stick to the free advertising option to avoid any fees from the website.

Posting free classifieds is a great investment for your time. By posting on free classified ads sites, you make your product or service freely searchable to large number of potential buyers on the web. With the thousands of people browsing through online classifieds sites everyday you can bet that someone will notice your business offerings.

The number of potential customers classifieds ads can reach is staggering, provided that you do your best in attracting buyers to check out your products. Doing your best means sticking to your product facts and not over-promote to the point of exaggeration. Buyers tends to shy away from overstated advertising because it creates suspicion that the product is too good to be true. Just like anything else, stick to the facts.

For a more detailed explanation of the tricks and tips in advertising your product online, here's a step by step guide for advertisers and for everyone who are interested in doing business advertising on free classified ads sites.

-Find the best classifieds website for your merchandise. You can install an Alexa tool bar on your browser to see if a site is worth your trouble. Anything with Alexa rating of 500,000 or above means there are hardly any visitors. Forums and threads on advertising and marketing sites are also helpful in finding free classifieds sites. Forums users share their experiences on using the free classifieds sites as well as the sites they recommend and frequently visit.

-Be clear and concise in describing your product. Make the title clever enough to be remembered by shoppers who canvas and browse the net. A total of 80 to 100 words should be sufficient for product description. The description should be short enough to act as a teaser that sparks interest to buyers and long enough for them to see that what you're offering is about.

-Make sure to properly categorize your product. If your merchandise can be placed under multiple categories then that would be great. For instance, you're selling pet accessories. You can place your product under the pets' category as well as on accessories category. But avoid placing it on the general section else it will get push down by other postings very quickly. Under no circumstances will you resort to spamming. Spamming is not just annoying but could get your listings removed as well.

-Post a picture with your ads whenever possible, but don't forget to write a compelling text description as well to go with the picture. Even though classified ads is evolving and booming nowadays online, the concept of text-based advertisements is still being followed. That's why words of description are very important in ads. If you'll upload photos of your merchandise be sure that all of the pictures are flattering and interesting enough to catch the attention of buyers. If you use model, make sure that the product will not be overshadowed by the model. So for instance, if you're going to use a puppy as the model, find an adorable one that will help your product stands out. Also make certain that the file sizes of the pictures are within acceptable range by most of the classifieds sites.

-Lastly, provide contact information for buyers to reach you. Let buyer know how to reach you, via email, private message on site, instant messenger, or by phone. This will make it easier for buyer and seller to reach a deal.

About the Author
Alex Wu is fascinated by marketplaces and trades. He is trying to build a free classifieds ads site that brings together buyers and sellers and create a social network that facilitates transactions at

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