Saturday, 18 October 2008

Ideas For A New Internet Business

This just Shows What Can Be Achieved With A Little Imagination!There are hundreds of business ventures you can start from your home Internet access. For pet lovers there are numerous ideas, with plenty of pet owner customers in every area of the globe. Here are some of the business ideas that you can start from your home Internet.

Pet photography is perhaps the best pet service and the one that is easiest to promote and complete on the Internet. People love pet pictures, perhaps more than they love the photos of themselves and their kids. If your customers have digital cameras they can email the photos to you and you can crop, enhance, frame, engrave and so forth, and send back or deliver the great finished product to them.

There are vendors who specialize in offering these services including a wide variety of products on which the photos can be displayed, such as coffee mugs, golf balls, footballs, banners, T-shirts and hockey pucks. You can subcontract these services out or make them a part of your own services by buying these items wholesale from a bulk distributor and then completing the photography work as ordered.

People who own cats, dogs, horses, birds, fish and even reptiles all love to capture their pets permanently in photos. You might even offer this as a mobile service, promoting it on the Internet. To encourage repeat business you can introduce special offers and coupons by opt-in email. You might, for instance, have a holiday special, with the pet pooch in his Santa hat, or your customer\'s bunny against an Easter backdrop. Greeting cards with the family pet are popular as well. Bumper stickers might be a welcome addition.

Keep track of your customer\'s and her or his family\'s birthdays and anniversaries and other special occasions and send e-mail reminders, with suggestions of what might be the perfect gift for that special someone.

Pet sitting is an important service, and a business you can easily start from your home Internet. Many people abhor leaving their pets in kennels but live alone or without an extended family or friends nearby and may travel frequently on business. They may be foot loose and fancy free retirees who take off for parts unknown but can\'t take the dog or cat along. Not only can you start marketing the home business from the Internet but you could also set up the scheduling from the Web as well. People could log in, tell you what pet they have, where they live and what days and hours they need your services. You could, in turn, post your fees and indicate the dates already filled or unavailable.

This might even segue into a pet photography or grooming business or both. You might care for the family cat, give her a good grooming and then the newly beautiful feline could have her picture taken before the family returns from their outing.

As you see, there are lots of things you can do to start a business from home either on the Internet entirely, or promoted and managed from the Web.

About the Author
Praveen Kumar is a success coach who helps others to start home businesses and become financially free. Please click here to learn more about what he has to offer. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

If You Have Any Other Interesting Ideas, Please Don't Hesitate To Leave a Comment!!

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